“Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled” – John 14:1-6, 27
March 15, 2020
“The Holy Spirit: God’s Presence Among Us” – John 14:15-27
June 27, 2020Crossway Menifee – Easter Service (ASL Interpreted by Toni Good)
“The Peace of Certainty”
John 20:19-31
April 12, 2020
Visit Us: https://www.crosswaymenifee.org/about-us/
We see Crossway Menifee as a church that positively impacts our city, our valley, our nation and our world through evangelism, discipling, leadership development, missions and church planting. According to the Bible, our ministry must be anchored in and fueled by the gospel. The gospel is the good news that, in the person of Jesus Christ, God reached down to a sinful world and our tri-fold response to the gospel is a life lived reaching up, reaching in, and reaching out.